[metrics-team] Fwd: Tor Metrics PowerShell Module
Karsten Loesing
karsten at torproject.org
Wed Nov 8 09:52:19 UTC 2017
(Forwarding to the list with Luke's permission.)
Hi Luke,
I don't have a PowerShell available, nor am I the typical user of such a
But I hope that others on this list have better feedback on possible use
cases. In particular the recent work on metrics-bot seems very related.
I'd say let's wait until the module is on GitHub and has seen some
initial usage and then put it together with a short description on the
Services page:
Want to ping us in a week or two about adding it?
Regarding Tor Weekly News, unfortunately there have not been new issues
of that for a while now. You could instead send a message to tor-relays@
to inform relay operators of the new tool and ask them to send you some
more feedback.
All the best,
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Tor Metrics PowerShell Module
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2017 14:08:25 +1100
From: Luke Millanta <lmillanta at gmail.com>
To: Karsten Loesing <karsten at torproject.org>
Hi Karsten,
A few years ago we spoke while I was developing OnionView, a service which
uses Onionoo to plot the location of Tor relay nodes on a map of the world.
I got a little bored over the weekend and decided to help one of my Twitter
followers out. They were saying it would be cool if they could query Tor
nodes via the PowerShell command line. With a beer in hand, I set about
writing a fairly simple PowerShell module that allows users to query data
from Onionoo via the command line. This module is attached, simply rename
.txt to .psm1 if you would like to test. I plan to have this module up on
Github shortly but for now this will do.
Some example commands:
- Get-TorStatsCount - returns an object with a Count of relays and bridges
- Get-TorRelayStats - returns a list of relay objects with all basic info
about the relay (platform, ip address etc.)
- Get-TorBridgeStats - returns a list of bridge objects with all basic info
about the bridge (platform, ip address etc.)
- Filter Example: Get-TorBridgeStats | Where-Object {$_.nickname -eq
The user is able to filter for a specific bridge or relay using any object
as listed here: https://metrics.torproject.org/onionoo.html
I have also attached a couple of screenshots of the module in action.
I was hoping you could do two things:
1. Provide me with some feedback.
2. Possibly get this noted in the Tor Weekly News, similar to how OnionView
was listed. This will be the best way to get the word out to the Tor
Looking forward to hearing from you.
-------------- next part --------------
Name: tormetrics.psm1
Get information from onionoo.torproject.org API
This module allows the user to query information about tor relays and bridges
from onionoo.torproject.org API
It features a caching mechanism so that it doesn't overburden the API.
To get fresh results use the -FreshResults switch parameter
.PARAMETER InitialDirectory
[switch] FreshResults - get a fresh set of results from the API
Release Date: 2017-11-03
Author: Luke Millanta
Get-TorStats - Returns an object that contains relays and bridges properties
The first time it runs it gets the results from the API and caches them locally
On subsequent runs it will use the cached results.
To force the command to get fresh results use the -FreshResults parameter
Get-TorStatsCount - returns an object with a Count of relays and bridges
Get-TorRelayStats - returns a list of relay objects
Get-TorBridgeStats - returns a list of bridge objects
Filter Example: Get-TorBridgeStats | Where-Object {$_.nickname -eq "string"}
$APIRootURL = 'https://onionoo.torproject.org/details'
$APIFields = 'nickname,host_name,or_addresses,country_name,latitude,longitude,platform,flags'
$CacheFile = "$env:TEMP\$([guid]::NewGuid())-onionoo.torproject.xml"
#Remove previous cache
Get-ChildItem -File -Path "$env:TEMP" | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*onionoo.torproject.xml"} | Remove-Item -Force
function Get-TorStats {
param (
begin {
process {
$FullAPIURL = $APIRootURL# + '?fields=' + $APIFields
try {
if ($(Test-Path -Path $CacheFile) -and !$FreshResults) {
Write-Host "Loading stats from cache $CacheFile" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$Results = Import-Clixml $CacheFile
else {
Write-Host "Loading fresh results" -ForegroundColor Green
$Results = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $FullAPIURL
$Results | Export-Clixml $CacheFile -Force
catch {
Write-Error $_.Exception
Exit -1
return $Results
end {
function Get-TorStatsCount {
param (
if ($FreshResults) {
$Stats = Get-TorStats -FreshResults
else {
$Stats = Get-TorStats
$RelayCount = $Stats.relays.Count
$BridgeCount = $Stats.bridges.Count
$Results = @{
Relays = $RelayCount;
Bridges = $BridgeCount;
return New-Object psobject -Property $Results
function Get-TorRelayStats {
param (
if ($FreshResults) {
$Stats = Get-TorStats -FreshResults
else {
$Stats = Get-TorStats
$Relays = $Stats.relays
$Results = @()
foreach ($Relay in $Relays){
$Results += New-Object psobject -Property $([ordered]@{
Nickname = $Relay.nickname;
'Host Name' = $Relay.host_name;
'Primary Address' = $($Relay.or_addresses -join ',');
'Country Name' = $Relay.country_name;
Latitude = $Relay.latitude;
Longitude = $Relay.longitude;
Platform = $Relay.platform;
'Exit Node' = if($Relay.flags.Contains('Exit')) { 'Yes' } else { 'No' };
return $Results
function Get-TorBridgeStats {
param (
if ($FreshResults) {
$Stats = Get-TorStats -FreshResults
else {
$Stats = Get-TorStats
$Bridges = $Stats.bridges
$Results = @()
foreach ($Bridge in $Bridges){
$Results += New-Object psobject -Property $([ordered]@{
Nickname = $Bridge.nickname;
'Primary Address' = $($Bridge.or_addresses -join ',');
Platform = $Bridge.platform;
return $Results
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-TorStats
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-TorStatsCount
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-TorRelayStats
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-TorBridgeStats
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