[metrics-team] onionoo: ExtraInfoStatistics flags

Karsten Loesing karsten at torproject.org
Sun Jan 29 14:04:52 UTC 2017

On 29/01/17 11:16, nusenu wrote:
>>> What do you think about adding flags to onionoo's details document
>>> that tell you what statistics a relay has enabled / is reporting?
>> Let's talk about it. :)
>> What's the use case you have in mind?  Can you describe that a bit here,
>> and why this approach is superior to existing approaches?
> If understand
> "Fraction of relays reporting onion-service statistics"
> on
> https://metrics.torproject.org/hidserv-frac-reporting.html
> correctly, it says "what fraction of relays have HiddenServiceStatistics
> set to 1".
> I would be interested in what fraction (by exit_probability) of exits
> have ExitPortStatistics set to 1?
> And similarly to every other Statistics setting.
> If I'm not the only one that would find these flags added to onionoo
> useful (just on/off not the actual data) and if there are no plans to
> add such graphs  to metrics.tpo already it would be nice to have that added.
> If I'm in fact the only one I probably should go and use the collector
> data to answer the questions above.

Okay, how about you start with using CollecTor data for the moment, and
if you find this information to be potentially useful for other folks,
we discuss adding a new field to Onionoo's details documents?

It shouldn't be terribly hard to add this data to Onionoo.  However, a
possible drawback is that it increases document size for everyone,
including people that don't need this new field.  Still worth
considering, but it would be easier to argue for this new field if you
could bring some experience where having this data was useful.

>> If the main user type you have in mind is folks who monitor the network,
>> okay.  Do they use Atlas, or do they query Onionoo directly, possibly
>> using their own tools?  In which case it wouldn't be necessary to add
>> this information to Atlas, just to Onionoo.
> Correct, the second part (onionoo question) was only related to onionoo
> not atlas (but once it is in onionoo the atlas part would be simple?)

It's certainly easy to add this to Atlas once it's in Onionoo.  I guess
my only concern is that it might confuse users and would therefore
require careful explanation.

>> Oh, and would we only want to know the binary information whether
>> statistics are available or not, or would we want to include the end of
>> the most recent statistics interval?
> I had only a binary flag in mind 0/1  - na/available.

Maybe consider looking at the statistics end timestamp when you look at
this data.  I can't say whether you'll find something useful, but the
data is there, so you could as well use it.

> thanks,
> nusenu


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