[global-south] Recordings for the Secure Messaging Summit 2020

Sofía Celi cherenkov at riseup.net
Tue Oct 27 01:32:44 UTC 2020

Hey, everyone!

For the people interested in it:

You can find the video and audio recordings for the talks and events
(that consent to) from the Secure Messaging Summit 2020 here:
https://claucece.github.io/Secure-Messaging-Summit/summit-2020 . You
will also find there the slides and additional resources.

If interested, there will be another event happening this year and next
year, so stay tuned!

We are very sorry for taking this long to post the recordings.

Thank you and stay safe wherever you are!

Sofía Celi
Cryptographic research and implementation at many places, but mainly at
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