[global-south] economic support in legal issues

Maka chamaka at riseup.net
Thu Mar 14 13:45:23 UTC 2019

Hola, I know Media Legal Defense Initiative. They are strategic partners
of the Digital Defenders Partnership where I work. This is the website:
https://www.mediadefence.org/. Tell me if you want me to put them in
direct contact to ask about support possibilities.



El 13/03/19 a las 23:40, fmonge escribió:
> Hi all!
> Somebody know if tor project has economic support in legal issues. For
> people/organizations who have a exit node, if they will need money for
> lawyer. 
> Thanks!
CyberFeminista y Radialista Apasionada
Consultora en Telecomunicaciones Libres y Seguridad Informática

Digital Defenders Partnership

"El aire es libre y la palabra es nuestra"

Red de Radios Comunitarias y Software Libre

Redes de Telefonía Celular Comunitaria

Huella digital: 05C2 BD3E 839C 927F 1132 0259 86F9 8207 6C92 9DFD

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