[global-south] next steps from Tor Meeting

Vasilis andz at torproject.org
Sun Apr 23 22:23:00 UTC 2017


>> On 21 Apr 2017, at 14:32, Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at gwolf.org> wrote:
>> I jumped upon reading this. As I explained in my previous paragraph,
>> even though I'd *love* it to be in Mexico City, I think we are too
>> much on the edge of the region. Also, our country is not (by far) the
>> most visa-friendly to Latin Americans.
>> But, FWIW, if Mexico were to be chosen (and you don't have any better
>> contacts in here), I can provide (with 90% probability) very good
>> facilities at my workplace, the country's largest university, either
>> at a research institute or at a faculty surrounded by eager students.
> This seems like it might work. And it is closer to the US and Europe.
> But we need a hotel and venue that do not block Tor clients.
> In Mexico we risk some ISPs blocking Tor clients as well as relays.

It may be the perfect meetup place for the network circumvention team!!

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